A Collecao GreenArte

Baby Sling Porta bebes

Thursday 10 June 2010

'Aliva Primavera coleção'
Here we are, are you interested?

Give us a call on 82 47 40429 or em chat2aliva@gmail.com

...Men you have not been forgotten!

Friday 4 June 2010

What is a Kapulana?

Throughout diverse Africa you will come across this fabric, also known as lalesso, or kanga, made in endless colours and patterns, depending on where you go. Aliva integrates 100% cotton kapulanas in her work.

In tune with the inherent oral tradition and with the love for proverbs some kapulanas have provebs imprinted on the fabric, like the fun swahili phrase 'My love is like no other' or 'Super Afripride'. You will notice that the capulana is typically worn by the women as a skirt, 'wrap around', or to carry the baby on the back or simply as audacious head wrap. More elaborate outfits are made with capulana for special occassions, a wedding, formal or social functions, or to simply celebrate their pride of heritage.
Men also dare wear the exotic design yet we will launch our first attempt to lure more manly interest in a special form...more to come..